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David Whyte on Courage as a Measure of Our Heartfelt Participation with Life
"Courage is a measure of our heartfelt participation with life with another with the community a work a future. To be courageous is not necessarily to go anywhere or t...

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Focusing on What Matters Most with Nat Eliason
In this episode, I’m speaking with a friend, author, entrepreneur & prolific writer Nat Eliason.The timing of this conversation was interesting as we recorded it short...

Embracing Twilight Zones, Self-Exploration & Living with OCD with Dan Shipper
In this episode, I'm speaking with Dan Shipper — Dan is a friend, the founder of Every, and someone who I consider to be a philosopher founder.This conversation didn’t...

You Are One Question Away From a Completely Different Life with Marc Champagne
In this episode, I'm speaking with Marc Champagne — who after building a journaling app that reached nearly 90 million users and then having to shut it down, emerged w...

Minimum Viable Woo, Trusting Curiosity & Navigating a Dark Night of the Soul with Tom Morgan
In this episode, I'm speaking with Tom Morgan — who after 15 years on Wall Street and experiencing what he describes as a "hellish midlife transition" (which is puttin...

Meet the Man Reimagining Neuroscience: Michael Edward Johnson
I’m speaking with theoretical neuroscientist Michael Edward Johnson — who, after spending seven years researching consciousness and writing the book Principia Qualia, ...