Rob Johnson
Appears in 20 Episodes
Focusing on What Matters Most with Nat Eliason
In this episode, I’m speaking with a friend, author, entrepreneur & prolific writer Nat Eliason.The timing of this conversation was interesting as we recorded it short...

Embracing Twilight Zones, Self-Exploration & Living with OCD with Dan Shipper
In this episode, I'm speaking with Dan Shipper — Dan is a friend, the founder of Every, and someone who I consider to be a philosopher founder.This conversation didn’t...

You Are One Question Away From a Completely Different Life with Marc Champagne
In this episode, I'm speaking with Marc Champagne — who after building a journaling app that reached nearly 90 million users and then having to shut it down, emerged w...

Minimum Viable Woo, Trusting Curiosity & Navigating a Dark Night of the Soul with Tom Morgan
In this episode, I'm speaking with Tom Morgan — who after 15 years on Wall Street and experiencing what he describes as a "hellish midlife transition" (which is puttin...

Meet the Man Reimagining Neuroscience: Michael Edward Johnson
I’m speaking with theoretical neuroscientist Michael Edward Johnson — who, after spending seven years researching consciousness and writing the book Principia Qualia, ...

Overcoming the Inner-Critic, Reclaiming Aliveness & Learning Somatic Intuition with River Kenna
I’ve been following River’s substack essays for a few years now and I feel a real kinship with his irreverent and genuinely unique perspectives — as well as his talent...

How to Conquer Public Speaking Anxiety with Tristan de Montebello
In this conversation, I’m speaking with my good friend and cofounder of Ultraspeaking Tristan de Montebello. Tristan has an incredible story of training to become a fi...

Optimizing Your Life for Enjoyment with Ali Abdaal
A few years back Ali decided to quit his job as a junior doctor in the UK to become a full time YouTuber. Since then his career and life has skyrocketed — he’s built a...

Leadership and the Longing to Belong with Jerry Colonna
I’m speaking with co-founder of Reboot Jerry Colonna. Jerry is one of the most infamous executive coaches in the world — with a reputation for making CEOs cry and aski...

Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness with Ben Katt
Ben is the author of the phenomenal new book: The Way Home: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife. I was really excited to talk to Ben because the her...

Insights from Groundbreaking MDMA Research with MAPS Therapist Marcela Ot’alora
Marcela Ot’alora worked as the lead co-therapist and principal investigator for all of the MAPS — which stands for Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studi...

Courage as a Measure of Our Heartfelt Participation with Life with David Whyte
I'm choosing to republish this episode that I had with David Whyte four years ago, because I had found myself revisiting his timeless book Consolations’ and rediscover...

The Reason Self Development is Fundamentally Flawed with Steve March
In this episode, I am speaking with Steve March — who is, although maybe lesser known in the public sphere, what he has created with Aletheia, which we will get into —...

How to Win the Game of Life with Khe Hy
Khe Hy is a dear friend, creator and philosopher in residence at Rad Reads, which is a business he started after leaving a 7-figure salary on Wall Street. He is a dedi...

Increase Your Nervous System Capacity with Ryan Duey
Ryan Duey is an entrepreneur, podcaster, the founder + CEO of and as you'll hear in this episode, a remarkably self-aware and courageous human.Over a decade...

The Value of Wilderness-Based Rites of Passage with Brooks Barron
Brooks Barron is an experienced leadership coach specializing in nature-based initiations and rites of passage — to help the leaders he works with explore their vulner...

How to Find Your Inner Light with Matt Maruca
Show NotesMatt Maruca is the founder of RaOptics, who make, I think it's fair to say objectively, the world's best blue-blocking glasses — but more importantly, he is ...

Have We Solved Mental Healthcare? Exploring Psychedelic Therapy for Lasting Transformation with Dr Michael Yang
Dr Michael Yang is an integrative medicine specialist based in Los Angeles who specializes in Ketamine treatment. I had an absolute blast with Michael and honestly fe...

A Radical Playbook for Full Aliveness with Jim Dethmer
Jim Dethmer is co-author of the bestselling book 'The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership' and is one of the most sought-after executive coaches in the world. It wa...

Derek Sivers on How to Negotiate Anything, The Joys of Parenthood & Why Nothing You Believe is True
When I first started this podcast, I had Derek Sivers in mind as the archetypal curious human — and to this day, I think of him as one of the most interesting and prov...